Bune Wiki


In this world Magic is everything LITERALLY everything, from the ground to the air even technology.

It's inside of us, just like blood, and follows the will of the host. That's the basic gist. Mana is evaluated on capacity, stability, and materialization, or its form.

There are two types of Mana in the world, though. Regular Mana, which flows freely throughout the world with no bonds and locks. And Innate Magic, which is solely bound to its own owner.

Regular Mana and Its Users []

Regular Mana

Regular Mana is mana that flows through the air, side by side nature. It is usually in a certain element of nature, and is controllable by humans possessing talents for mana calculating. They originate from nature, unlike Innate Mana.

Regular Mana and Its occurrences in the world

Regular Mana is usually easily obtained and can be learned through magic books or by observing and harvesting the source it originated from. Magic originates from many different places. If someone wanted to learn magic on controlling a certain range of plants, they would visit the motherland of those plants and manipulate the mana cells in those plants. Though the mana cells are invisible to the human eye and are hard to obtain. Wizards, Sorceresses, Warlocks, Witches, and Magicians often harvest these mana cells, being professionals, and put them into “Spell Books” for others to learn more easily. These books often come at a price, though. There are also magic occurrences that happen throughout the world called “Mana Spouts”. These are quite rare and considered miracles of nature. They usually appear as giant whirl-pools in the atmosphere, ranging from 5 feet above ground level to 800 miles above the troposphere. They can appear in many different colors, all depending on the type of mana inside the Mana Spout. They are often mistaken for auroras due to the many different colors they give off, as well. They also take many different sizes, from as small as a human fist to a large cumulous cloud. The mana cells inside and around the whirl-pool are bare and completely visible to the human eye, making harvesting them as easy as picking fresh tomatoes. There are groups and organizations around the world that dedicate themselves to finding these mana spouts and harvesting the mana inside to make spell books, for money. One would think that because of all these organizations, these miracles of nature would slowly be disappearing, but it is the exact opposite. They continually appear throughout the world and are nowhere near the end of their line. 

Using Regular Mana

Once someone has obtained Regular Mana through the original source or through a book, it can either be very easy or very hard to train, depending on the person. With regular Mana you have to calculate and analyze the mana cells that you manipulate to create a wave. It is very hard and requires schooling or being taught how to concentrate all of those calculated mana cells into the form of something. The most basic and easiest way to learn how to control a certain mana cell is to imagine them as a wave, similar to wave coursing through grass on a windy day. 

Wizards and Sorceresses

 There are people throughout the world called Wizards and Sorceresses, they only focus on one element of magic, be it all water mana or all fire mana, they learn many different spells but stay in the range of their given element. They do this because once you start to become good at one certain mana cell’s calculations; it is very hard to break away from it. They would rather have a single-tracked mind towards their one single element than learn a new element, because it easy for them. 

Warlocks and Witches

But at the same time, there are also people called Warlocks and Witches, who concentrate on the manipulation of magic. AKA mixing mana cells and creating new spells. They almost never use basic or original spells and instead use their own concoctions. There was a time long ago when warlocks and witches were hunted due to large rumors on them practicing dark magic, which has been banned since the Istorian Era. They’ve been excluded from society for ages due to that period of time, but have most recently been coming back into the light. There are still some that practice black magic behind the curtains, but most are harmless, and usually just use their talent to make potions.


And finally, there are people called Magicians. They are people who use many different elements of magic. Basic, original, mixed, all widely known kinds. There is a tier ranking system for them from class F to class AA. Once ranked, they receive a tier license and have access to things allowed on their rank. F~D being bottom-tier, C being low-tier, B and B+ being mid-tier, A and A+ being high-tier, and AA being top-tier. Low-tier magicians usually have access too slightly less common magic books and resources, which aren’t all that special, while high-tier and top-tier magicians have access to Elven libraries and grade ‘A’ magic books, as well as authorized-only magic sites.

Innate Mana and Its Users     []

Innate Mana

Innate Mana is mana that flows through one’s body and abides by one’s will and instinct. It is something that originations inside a person’s conscious Enpiste, and not outside, unlike Regular Mana.

Innate Mana and Its occurrences

Having Innate Mana is something uncommon, yet the society for Innate Mana Users makes it seem very common. Innate Mana develops in the Enpiste and takes the form of the users’ strongest emotion, surroundings while maturing, or from genes.  There are humans born with Innate Mana, and then there are humans who develop their mana later in life. Mana that develops in newborn babies is usually mana given from genes since the child has not been given the opportunity to create a strong emotion or mature for their Innate Mana. Though, Innate Mana is something that most children’s minds and bodies can’t contain, and they usually get sick or die. So, children who receive and contain their mana from birth are considered prodigies. Children who also receive mana between the ages of 5 and 13 are also considered prodigies since Innate Mana is something very uncommon in children. It is most common for Mana users to have their Innate Mana as well as talents for Regular Mana bloom at age 13~16, which is where Magic Schools come into place, teaching their students all they need to know about Regular Mana and Innate Mana. There are humans who develop Innate Mana at a later age as well. There are also side-effects that may or may not occur as your Innate Mana is starting to bloom. For example, if a humans’ Innate Mana was heat and it was starting to bloom, the air around them might get very hot at random times, and out of their control.

Using Innate Mana

Using Innate Mana isn’t as difficult as using Regular Mana as it doesn’t require calculating and analyzing and instead acts based on instinct and will. It is based on imagination and emotions, but is still difficult in the property of forming it. Kids with Innate Mana are taught at a young age that you have to imagine your mana coursing from your Enpiste, through your body, down your arm, and out of her palm, and then to imagine it moving throughout the space around you. It is like moving a new body part.

The TRUMP Law and the Court

This is where the Levels of Innate Mana come into place, once again. The TRUMP Law is the law where the Levels of Innate Mana are held. It was formed and originated from a Mana organization guild called The Trumps. They are now THE Mana Organization and work as a force for Regular and Innate Mana Users. Then there is the Court, a strong society that acts as the law for Carte. Both the guild Trump and the Court are in Arcadia, Carte. Now, for the connection between these two organizations and the Levels of Innate Mana. When someone’s Mana is first shown, they are to take a test called the Innate Scaler, which reads their Enpiste, Once this test is over, the document and reads from it are sent to Arcadia, to the Court. The Court evaluates the type of Innate Mana as well as what Level of Innate Mana the user has, and depend on the end Level, they either send back a ‘Safe-Zone’ permit, hold a Court meeting to vote or issue an isolation notice, or an execution notice. A permit is something an Innate Mana User must always carry. It is an I.D., a license, and a register for your identity. It will always have your Innate Mana Level on it. Completeness, Stability, and Materialization are the three standards for evaluating Innate Mana. Now, safe-zones are as you should know, Level 0~3. The Court usually evaluates a safe-zone within one day and sends back the documents and their new ID. For Level 4~6, they usually hold Court meetings and vote between the Elders, the giant figures of the world who run the Court. If the majority of the Elders are in favor for the user being not dangerous, he is sent back his documents as well as a safe-zone permit. If the majority is in favor of the user being dangerous, he is issued an isolation notice, or execution. An isolation notice is something most dangerous and highly-dangerous Mana Users receive. It is where they take the User to Arcadia and keep him in a created dimension where there is no actual time. It’s a solitude facility to keep dangerous mana users away from society for a certain period of time. The time they are in there usually depends on how dangerous their Innate Mana is. Now, the execution notice is when someone is considered highly-dangerous, and usually comes back with two or three Trump members to detain the Mana User if they try to escape the notice. They are brought back to Arcadia and killed calmly and silently. Once someone is released from isolation, they receive their new permit, which does not have the safe-zone Level on it. It has their actual estimated Level as well as how dangerous their Mana is. For example, a Level 5 Innate Mana User was given their permit. They cannot go into certain Mana sites due to their dangerous Mana. But there are also occurrences where dangerous Mana Users are given appropriate ups because they can contain and handle their mana very well, such as many high officials who have very dangerous mana. 

Types of Innate Mana

It is very hard to classify the types of Innate Mana since they take the forms and aspects of one’s mind and surrounds/emotions, but there is a solid classification for many Innate Mana. Although there are many different named and kinds of Innate Mana inside these categories, these classes are used to describe how ones Mana can be used and distributed. These are them. 

Bize - Anima

Bize mana is structured and formatted mana that keeps to one single form. It does not usually change, and if it does, it is very hard to change. An example of a Bize user; if someone had Bize vines, AKA the mana to control plant vines, they would always stay in the shape of long green stocks of vines. They could never change into something like a tree or plant. The same goes for Bize element users. The original and birthed form of their Innate Mana stays the same throughout their life. 

Senover – Light Bearer

Senover mana allows the user to change the shape and properties of things, including color, thickness, complexion, and veracity. For example, someone with Senover water Innate Mana could turn random objects into liquid. Another example is someone with Senover telepathy could transfer their thoughts, ideas, sounds, and words onto objects, making the object shape-shift into their transfer of thoughts. 

Aki – Wave Controller

Aki Mana is a type of mana that can create things out of nothing, but is not considered a Syniez because it stays directed on one element, be it lightning or fire.

Syniez - Dansulsa

Syniez is a mana that can turn imagination, thoughts, dreams, images, etc. into reality, without the need of anything but their own imagination. They are very rare and are also commonly known as ‘Lucid Dreamers’ due to their ability to bring dreams to life.

Donin - Wonsulsa

Donin mana is something that doesn’t keep a solid form, unlike Bize mana. It can constantly change with the users will, but will generally stay attached to its original base. Be it color, sound, or the way it moves, etc., it is random on how it can change and how it will not change, and it all depends on the Donin user. 


Finally, Double-Mana. Double-Mana users are extremely rare among Innate Mana users and are often kept a secret. They are commonly executed on spot due to how dangerous the mana can be. It is when their Enpiste changes and forms a newborn split mana. Now, this doesn’t just happen to everyone whose Enpiste changes. A split-mana will only happen to an Enpiste that was born with two halves, which is also a very rare occurrence. Now, the second half of their Enpiste acts as a root for their first given Innate Mana, be it whatever it may be. It is the core of their Enpiste and is burrowed deep inside their conscious. Unlike regular Innate Mana that is bare to their will, Double-Mana in the Enpiste is mana that can reach unstable levels due to the roots of the second half.  Also, the second-split mana usually keeps to original base element, but is more free and different, not to mention more complex and stronger due to it having roots, which is not in regular Enpistes’. For example, if someone originally had the Innate Mana of a Senover, the ability to shapeshift objects and elements, their second split mana could be the ability to create those objects and change them however they want, making them a Syniez as well. Having two types of Innate Mana in one’s body, let alone one’s Enpiste, is considered death. It’s been shown impossible and many have died trying to achieve it. That is how dangerous Double-mana users are. They become two classified Innate Mana types instead of one, which is as you know a myth.


Levels of Innate Mana

Now that the basics of Innate Mana and how to use it are out of the way, this is where things get complicated. There are 11 levels based on the power and safety of Innate Mana. Firstly, level 0~3 Mana Users are considered ‘Safe-Zone’ users and are not dangerous. Level 4~6 Mana Users are still considered ‘Safe-Zone’, but are not always deemed as ‘not dangerous’. The range of Level 4~6 is usually random and can still be dangerous, but is usually common Innate Mana. There are people who have Innate Mana averaging above Level 7 to Level 10 and there are people born with Innate Mana that can't be evaluated because it goes off the scale, beyond level 10. They are both considered "Highly Dangerous Mana Users”, but they are categorized differently. People with mana that go above level 7 and stay under or stable at level 10 are still Highly Dangerous Mana Users, but usually have a range of Completeness and Stability to their Mana. Users whose mana goes off the scale are called Irregular Mana Users, also still considered Highly Dangerous Mana Users. Irregular mana is mana above Level 10, a range of mana that is incomplete and neither stable in all three categories of Completeness, Stability, and Materialization, making it the most dangerous Innate Mana category.


Material magic


Material magic


Layer of nature


5 tul





